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OCD services offered in Marietta, GA

Obsessive-compulsive disorder can affect both pediatric and adult patients. Whether it begins in children or adults, it causes behaviors that interfere with school, work, and personal relationships. Asif Choudhary, MD, at Advanced Psychiatry, works with people of all ages, offering compassionate treatment and support that helps them overcome OCD. If you need help with OCD, call the office in Marietta, Georgia, or book an appointment online today.


What is OCD?

OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE DISORDER is a mental health disorder that causes uncontrollable thoughts (obsessions) and compulsions. These obsessions compel you to take action to stop the thoughts. The actions you take (compulsions) turn into repetitive, ritualistic behaviors.

Your compulsions may temporarily relieve your obsessions, but the thoughts ultimately return. People with severe OCD may spend so much time dealing with their thoughts and behaviors that they can't work, take care of daily responsibilities, or enjoy life.

Though OCD sounds like you must have obsessions and compulsions, you can have one without the other.

What obsessions does OCD cause?

The unwanted thoughts usually follow a theme. Some of the most common obsessions include:

  • Fear of germs or getting sick
  • Fear of being harmed
  • Need for items to be in order
  • Need for cleanliness
  • Need for symmetry
  • Disturbing sexual thoughts
  • Recurring sounds or images
  • Thoughts of aggression or violence
  • Fear of saying something offensive 

You know your thoughts aren't rational or based in reality, yet you can't make them stop. As a result, they cause extreme stress and anxiety.

What compulsions does OCD cause?

Compulsions typically fall in line with your obsessions, but there are a few exceptions. For example, you may count in response to your obsession.

These are a few examples of compulsive behaviors that follow the theme of your obsessive thoughts:

Germ obsession

If you have a germ obsession, you may repeatedly wash your hands, take showers, or use a hand sanitizer.

Fear of being harmed

This obsession could trigger ritualistic behaviors such as constantly checking your windows and doors to be sure they're locked. Or you may keep checking the stove to see if it’s turned off.

Need for order or symmetry

If this is your obsession, you may need to put items in a specific order or rearrange items to be sure they're in the proper location. You keep moving items even though they're already perfectly placed.

How is OCD treated?

OCD treatment often includes a combination of therapy and medication. Therapy teaches you ways to deal with anxiety and obsessions and reduce or stop your compulsions. Medications have been shown to treat OCD successfully. Dr. Choudhary may prescribe medications that ease specific symptoms.

OCD won't improve without treatment. To schedule an appointment, call Advanced Psychiatry or book one online today.